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IFSL Arbion Fund Range

Globally diversified strategies
across the major asset classes.

The IFSL Arbion range of funds provides investors with access to globally diversified strategies across the major asset classes. Returns are driven by long term asset allocation models, combined with tactical decisions which are made to take advantage of shorter term opportunities in markets.

Arbion ensure that fund construction and implementation is efficient via a mix of direct investments, trackers and best in class managers where we have conviction in their ability to outperform.

A sophisticated risk management framework supports the process and maximises the risk adjusted returns to investors.

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Strong partnerships

The Arbion range of funds are provided through partnership with Investment Fund Services Limited (IFSL).

IFSL is a leading provider of the full range of services needed to run a collective investment scheme – a fund. Their expertise and oversight helps protect the interests of investors.

IFSL have the financial strength and stability that comes with being part of the privately owned Marlborough group of companies, which has been managing funds since 1986 and has over £10 billion of assets under management.

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Arbion Sovereign Opportunities Fund

The Arbion Sovereign Opportunities Fund aims to increase the value of your investment by more than 1% above cash a year, net of fees, over any 3 year period. Cash is measured by the Bank of England’s interest rate benchmark, SONIA. The increased value comes from a combination of income, which is money paid out of investments such as interest from bonds and dividends from ETFs (exchange traded funds), and capital growth, which is profit on investments held. There is no certainty that the aim of the fund will be achieved.

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Arbion Balanced Opportunities Fund

The Arbion Balanced Opportunities Fund aims to increase the value of your investment in excess of 5% a year, net of fees, over any 5 year period, however, there is no certainty this will be achieved.

This is through a combination of capital growth, which is profit on investments held and income, which is money paid out of investments such as dividends from shares and interest from bonds. 

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Arbion Global Opportunities Fund

The aim of the Fund is to increase the value of your investment in excess of 7% a year, net of fees, over any 5 year period, however, there is no certainty this will be achieved.

This is through a combination of capital growth, which is profit on investments held and income, which is money paid out of investments such as dividends from shares and interest from bonds. 

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